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Shenington with Alkerton Community Information

Chart & Stethoscope
Shenington Health Centre

Shenington and Alkerton are very fortunate to have a doctors surgery. Information about the surgery can be found here.


In an emergency please dial 999. If you need to use the defibrillator the operator will tell you what to do.


The defibrillator is located outside of the Village Hall.


The operator will provide the code to open the cabinet, so the defibrillator can be removed. When the defibrillator is switched on, it gives verbal instructions.  It detects the heart of the patient and will not shock him/her unless the circumstances require it.

Bus Image.jpg

There is a regular bus service run by Stagecoach which runs from Shenington to Banbury and Stratford Upon Avon. This service is funded by Warwickshire County Council. The timetable can be found by clicking here. 

Coach Fleet
Oxfordshire Comet Community Transport

It is a not-for-profit service, set up to allow people without suitable access to public transport to make the journeys they want.


The Oxfordshire Comet can be booked for any type of trip. Whether it’s to meet friends in town, travel across the county, attend an appointment or pop to the shops. The service is available 10am - 2pm Monday to Friday (not bank holidays).


It’s easy to book, with a pre-paid account that can be set up on the phone.


Click here to find out more about Oxfordshire Comet Community Transport.

driving plane

There is a very active gliding club very close to the village. Anyone flying a drone within the parish must comply with the UK Civil Aviation Authority Drone Code.

Geometry Tools
Shenington Church of England (VA)
Primary School

Shenington School is in Stocking Lane. The school website can be found by clicking here.

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