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Local Food Stores

Tysoe Stores


Tysoe Stores has requested that orders are emailed through wherever possible.  Please include your details including your telephone number and the store will call back and confirm the order, suggest substitutions and take payment over the telephone. If a debit or credit card payment is not possible they will take a cheque. If an email order is not possible they will take a telephone order on 01295 688284. If there is no answer call 01295 688333 and leave a message.


Essential items may be limited to one pack per order. We don’t have a comprehensive list of these items but can guess at toilet rolls and hand gel. Vegetables are sold loose so please indicate how many of each you would like such as six carrots.


The email address for orders is: Please email by 2pm to give them the best possible chance of picking and packing the order for the same day although orders can take up to three days. You can ask someone else to email the order on your behalf. Tysoe Stores will arrange collection or delivery. If you have any difficulty please email or call your coordinator or Gill Marshall.


Eastwood Farm


Eastwood Farm in Shenington sells a range of meats and eggs and offer free delivery to Shenington and Alkerton.


Take a look at their website.

Take Aways
Pet Food

Crofts Pet Food


Croft’s pet/ bird food etc in Banbury will also take orders over the phone, take payment and will bring order out and put in your car if wanted. A small family firm that would love support.


Crofts: 01295 250131

Fuel and Country Supplies

Red Horse Vale​


Red Horse Vale supplies oil, logs and sells diesel on site. They stock a range of garden, landscaping and pet and equestrian products.

For further information please click on this link to go to their website.


Welcome to the Shenington and Alkerton village website which has been created by the Parish Council. Shenington and Alkerton are two beautiful neighbouring rural villages within one parish in North Oxfordshire.

This website has lots of information about the villages including local clubs and societies, the village hall, parish council, the village diary, local businesses and information about local services.


Contact Us:


Parish Council:


Parish Clerk for Parish Council matters only:


Website Administrator for blog posts and adding information to the website:


Shenington Green email service:


Shenington Green printed newsletter:


Other contacts are shown on individual pages

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