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Village Communications

Information within the village is sent out in a number of different ways.


This website is managed by the Parish Council but is very much a community website. You are most welcome to promote village events on the blog and to add items to the calendar. Any Shenington and Alkerton based businesses or community organisations can be listed on the website free of charge.

Please contact the website administrator on the email address shown at the bottom of the page.


The village email service is maintained by Claire and Tricia. This service is really useful for quickly circulating urgent information, promoting local events, missing pets and help wanted.

This service is secure and uses a professional distribution service ensuring a good service which is GDPR complaint. 

The Shenington Green email address is shown at the bottom of the page.


In addition there is the Shenington Green printed newsletter which is published twice a year. This is looked after by Robin Furneaux and you are encouraged to submit editorial articles to Robin for printing. You are also most welcome to advertise in the newsletter. 

The email address for editorial and advertising is at the bottom of the page.


Welcome to the Shenington and Alkerton village website which has been created by the Parish Council. Shenington and Alkerton are two beautiful neighbouring rural villages within one parish in North Oxfordshire.

This website has lots of information about the villages including local clubs and societies, the village hall, parish council, the village diary, local businesses and information about local services.


Contact Us:


Parish Council:


Parish Clerk for Parish Council matters only:


Website Administrator for blog posts and adding information to the website:


Shenington Green email service:


Shenington Green printed newsletter:


Other contacts are shown on individual pages

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